Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow storm

Today is the first snowfall of the season. Here in Cedar Rapids we were prepared and warned about this snowfall. They were throwing out predictions or 4 to 8 inches, then it climbed to 8 to 12- inches, and now it has peaked to 10 to 15 inches of snow. Currently there is only about 5 inches outside but it is still early in the day and the worst is yet to come.  

Everyone in the school systems were hoping for a snow day and praying that this will take us into Christmas break. Early in the week teachers were informing us what the plans would be if there was a snow day on Thursday since many plan on having chapter or unit tests right before break so we have nothing to worry about.

Well here we are with no school and no power. It started snowing yesterday around 5:30. I was at work and checking the whole thing out. It hasn’t stopped snowing since it started and isn’t predicted to stop until midnight on tonight. One freaky thing that happened last night was that there was thunder mixed in with the snow storm. How cool! You could see flashes of lightening everywhere followed with the much anticipated BOOM that shook the house.

Snow is always something that is exciting! It also brings dangerous traveling conditions and power outages.  Now we will have a white Christmas, which puts us in the spirit. (242)

Kansas City Cheifs loss

Branching off of my last post concerning the gun control issue that we have there was another big story that was brought to my attention through the news and also by my teacher Miss A. It was the Kansas City Chiefs player that shot his girlfriend then himself. He was one of the starting line men on the team, therefore making a huge impact to the other players.

Beckler had gone mad, no one knows what drove him to do this but it was insanity. He shot his girlfriend, who he also had a child with, leaving the baby to his mother to take care of. After he did this he went to his bosses on a Saturday, thanked them for everything they had done and expressed his love for the game of football to them. After he had made his aspirations he pulled out a gun and shot himself in front of his bosses. This caused major havoc. For the rest of the day the coaches, owners, and NFL presidents were trying to figure out what they should do about what just happened and if they should play the following day.

They ended up playing the next day. The decision to play was looked down upon by most and commented on by some famous reporters and announcers. Whitlock is a writer that put out an article describing what had just happened and focused part of it on gun control.   Bob Costas is a NFL commentator that during half time of the Kansas City Chiefs game took a moment to quote Whitlock and say a few things about what was going down.

Many were confused on why they played the game the next day. Some said that the players are paid to block things out of their mind and play the game so they would be able to focus. The NFL also doesn’t stop playing a game other than an environmental issue or an attack. To the public we would think that the players would be in complete shock and be mourning, but they were able to play the next day and show their sadness after the game was done.

They are testing this brain and other parts of Beckler’s body to try to figure out what drove him to do this kind of behavior. They hypothesized that from all of the concussions this may have caused brain damage.  Other things may have attributed to it but they are thinking that the game of football, with injuries and the violent nature of the game didn’t do Beckler any good.

This is just another prime example on how guns are becoming more and more of an issue. People say that guns don’t kill people, people do, but if people didn’t have the guns in the first place then they wouldn’t be shot. (471)

Sandy Hook Elementary

Gun control has been a major issue in the new today. Many recent shootings have stirred up everyone’s attention. On Friday December 14, 2012 a 19 year old man went into Sandy Elementary school and shot 27 children and adults. After his assault was complete he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The whole country was affected by this terrible tragedy. When events like this happen in America we look around and realize how quickly a life can be taken. The level of innocents that these students had was over the top. Heroes were created and killed the same day in this school and we all need to take a moment of silence for those who lost a loved one.

The first grade teacher at this school stood out among the rest. She did something that was very courageous and life threatening. When she heard that there was a killer on the loose within the school she forced all her students to go into the cabinets and locked them all. By the time the killer got to her room he stormed in demanding where her students were, she told him that they were in the gym. Once he realized that they weren’t in the room he shot her and moved on to kill even more people. This first grade teacher gave her life for her small students. Would you be able to do that for your students?

Everyone in that school was shaken. School was closed for the next four days. Why did this man decide to take so many lives? He was a homeschool student that used to go to Sandy Elementary when he was younger but was taken out for extreme misbehavior and mental issues. This fellow was so sick in the mind that he took his mother’s handgun, shot her and went to the school to continue this nasty behavior. I am sure that he didn’t entirely know what he was doing and the damage that he was taking place.

Should handguns be allowed to be owned? The mother of this child had the right to buy and use this gun, but she couldn’t control that he attached her and took her gun. Obviously a gun in a mentally unstable person is not a good idea. As a teacher in this instance it would have been a good idea to have a gun in their desk so they could have defended themselves and their students.

Our country came together after this happened and mourned. This event should not have happened, but what can we do about it? The president addressed America and trying to fix the outstanding issue about guns. There needs to be more control and regulations on the ownership and use of guns. People get killed every day from being shot by a gun, but it is brought to our attention when 27 or a large group is taken. This madness needs to stop. America is becoming a more dangerous place and the American dream is slowly slipping away. We need to bring it back into check. (514)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dance Marathon

The dance marathon is going to take place on Friday night after the girl boy double header against Washington in the cafeteria until midnight. There is supposed to be around 24 students from the University of Iowa attending this dance event to help spruce it up and show us how it is done. The University of Iowa has held many dance marathons before to try to raise money to support different charities or causes such as breast cancer. One of the special things about this night is that it is dedicated to Drew Wall, who is a student who recently just died from cancer. There will a tribute in between games and the proceeds go to the Wall family. 

There are going to be many different types of dancing taking place during the marathon. At 10 there is going to a Zumba dance instructor to lead some zumba dances. There will be a DJ present, but I know that there is no grinding allowed. This will be a difficult task for the students at kennedy high school because we love to grind and get dirty. Hopefully we can control ourselves and be respectful at this event and make it successful to raise a ton of money.

One of the incentives is that the class with the most attendance will get a point at the next assembly. That would help a lot! I hope it will be fun! (237)

The End is Near

The end of the world is near! This phrase has danced around us for a few years now. 12-21-12 is the date that the Myon calendar says that the world is supposed to end. There have been other dates such as 6-6-6 that some philosophers suggested that the world was supposed to end. That specific date was a skeptical date because anything dealing with 666 is said to be the devils number. Do you believe that this stuff is true?

The Myon’s were a group of people that created the calendar, gathered knowledge about the stars and other historical happenings. They say that history repeats itself…and there had been a total wipeout in years past. So far everything that this group of people has predicted has come true, so why would this be any different?

For previous dates of potential death or world ending people have done some pretty stupid things, such as give money to an organization so they will take care of their pets once they die from the big boom. This upcoming prediction has been taken a bit more serious by the human population. A new group of people have come about through this process called the preppers. They are people who have been stocking up on food and other supplies in preparation for this event. They have storage units filled with crap, some may question their sanity. One of the popular new real estate investments is underground safe houses. These are homes or places for people to go that are located miles into the ground with some of the greatest precautionary technique taken to make them. These lots cost millions of dollars since there is a limited supply. The people who purchase these lots are hoping that they can go there on the day that the world is supposed to end and live through whatever is going to happen to the rest of us.

Many people think that they whole idea is stupid and nothing is going to happen. What are your thoughts? With evidence that other things that the Myons predicted happened, it may be a bit more convincing.  Some people are planning special days the day before the world is supposed to end. What are you going to do on your last day?  Does anyone know what time everything is supposed to hit? No one has any idea.  We also are clueless on what exactly is going to go down. The earth could open up on itself and we go into the lava. Or an asteroid hits earth, killing everyone and taking earth out of its oribit. There are tons of things that could happen.

Well there are only 8 days left, so I am going to enjoy each day as if it was my last because who knows if we will make it past 12-21-12. (472)

Shopping during the Holidays

The holidays have changed over the past few decades. It used to be all about family and spending quality time with each other. Now all it is is going to extremes to get good deals on Christmas presents. Shopping in my opinion takes away from the spirit of the season. People are getting injured and even death has come from competitive people going crazy for a material gift.  Black Friday is the most famous shopping day of the year. It is the Friday after Thanksgiving. The greatest deals on electronics and other products are on sale with only a few in stock to be sold. Since there is a limited number of items people feel the need to camp outside the store before they let the customers in so they get a prime spot in line, and ensure that they get the discounted item.

Black Friday has been extended in recent years. Now the sales start on Thursday night and continue throughout the whole weekend. With the shopping starting on Thanksgiving Day it takes away from the holiday. You are supposed to be with your family and giving thanks for what you have, not waiting in a line in front of a store. It is ironic that people come together to give thanks on one day then have to rush out and go buy more things when they just celebrated what they already have. The feeling of the holiday gets lost. With shopping starting Thursday it pressures families to have their thanksgiving meal early in the day as more of a lunch than a dinner. The shopping extremities force people to be on more of a time limit than they were before. This causes family gatherings to be cut short.

Are people becoming more and more materialistic? I think so! All people talk about is what they have and how they are able to afford different things. These pressures are affecting younger kids in school and other environments. If they don’t have the coolest and the latest gadget they “don’t fit in” or “aren’t cool.”  If some student can’t afford the newest thing then that makes them feel bad.  A classic example is with the product Ugg boots. These are expensive boots that come in various patterns and styles. They have real fur on the inside and are a fashionable way to keep your feet warm. This also means that they are very expensive.  There are tons of knock off brands, and if you are wearing a knock off brand you are looked down upon and shouldn’t be caught dead in them.

The fact that people are so concerned with what they can buy and look at what other people have take away from the spirit of the season. We shouldn’t have to grow up in a society where you have to compare your Christmas presents to your friends or other people. This could cause people to feel bad if they didn’t get what their friends got. No one needs to feel bad during this time of year. We need to be more concerned with being with our family and move away from the presents.

Shopping has become something that is dangerous and not fun to be a part of. Be jolly and enjoy being around the people that you love. (551)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter Pep Assembly

Tomorrow is the winter assembly. That means that a bunch of kids will be going crazy to celebrate the good fortune that the fall sports had and introduce the winter sports. This year volleyball will not have anything to present which is very sad but at least none of us have to go up to talk in front of the whole school. I am pretty sure that the only fall sports that did anything noteworthy is the girls swimming team, men’s gold and possibly football.

Having a pep assemble makes that day much better since there are shortened classes and it is a Friday! Everyone loves that it is on a Friday, especially because there is a big game of basketball that night and it brings the students together for a great time to support each other in their sports; bringing out our cougar school spirit!

This is my second to last school assembly, it is getting to the end but that is okay. All good things have to come to an end. But I will be ready to cheer as loud as I can and win the spirit stick. Seniors will win. (193)

Senior Picuters

 Picture day was today and I am so glad that I did not have to participate in this year’s rounds! Since I am a senior all I had to do was submit my senior picture that was previously taken and I was done. In past years this was one of the most nerve wracking days because my hair had to be perfect, make cup just right, and of course so nasty acne.  

During the summer and early fall is when most seniors get their senior pictures taken. I wanted to have mine be different from everyone else’s so I traveled to California to get mine taken. My grandparents have a house in Malibu, so my thoughts were that’s perfect I can get ocean shots along with on top of a mountain. They live about 10 minutes from the beach and have about 50 acres of land, tons to choose from for the perfect shot.

My cousin had gone to visit them during his spring break of the previous year and had taken a picture that was literally on top of the world and on a rock that overlooked the open canyon and other mountains. I had to find this shot. I showed it to my grandfather and he knew exactly where the location was. So the photographer and I traveled our way up the mountain. The shots were flawless and I was happier than ever.

Our next adventure was the beach. When we go to the location is was quite windy so my hair was looking flowing, as if a fan was moving it around. I was scared to go into the water because it was very cold, but I got close enough.

After the day of taking my picture was done I was so happy with all the results. They were all so beautiful and it was difficult to choose one for the year book, so I just had my mother choose.  Not having to deal with the stresses of picture day was wonderful and glad I am done with that crap. (343)

Drew Wall

Drew Wall was a 15 year old boy that lost his battle with cancer on November 26th, 2012. He was one of the most courageous boys that inspired many people. He was diagnosed with cancer of the bones at a very young age. When he was in middle school he had to get his leg amputated because there were too many complications including blood clots, bone density problems and the cancer was just eating away at him. He had to either be put into a wheel chair the rest of his life or choose to get a prosthetic leg. He was a very active child and loved to play sports, so he went with the prosthetic leg. The only down fall to the fake leg was that it cost 20,000 dollars for one, and he got it at a young age where he wasn’t fully grown yet. So it was very costly to his family to keep getting new legs for when he substantially grew, which was often, he was a very tall young boy. The hospital became his new home after a while because his health condition kept getting worse and worse.

Every year the volleyball team has a cancer night, usually for breast cancer, but in 2011 it was livestrong night. Drew was a part of this organization and the night was dedicated to him. In between the games he gave a moving speech that made you want to help people in his same position.  That night really showed everyone how you can have a positive outlook on life even when you are dealt the crappiest cards. He always had a smile on his face and was a joy to be around. Drew Wall was like no other.

 He participated in swimming, and golf. He had a love for all sports but golf was one that he could still participate in and grow in his game even with his fake leg.  He went to many sporting events at the college level such as the Hawkeyes football and basketball team and grew a strong relationship with them.  At his visitation there was a display of a huge poster with all the football players’ signatures and a few game balls from their season. There were also photos of him on the sidelines at the games. What a lucky guy. He even got to meet Kirk Farenz at a lunch for other children fighting the battle of cancer.

Attending the visitation I got to see all the things that this child has accomplished during his short life, and it was more than most people will be able to do in a lifetime. He trained in tyquando and reached the brown belt, the one right before the black belt. During his visitation his instructor placed a black belt with his name embroidered on it and a huge plaque with a certificate giving him his black belt. He had to stop going to the sessions because he didn’t have enough energy and it wasn’t healthy for him. He also rode in a few livestrong bike races with a few famous cyclists.  There were all his awards that he had accomplished pertaining to academics and they were astonishing. He had the time to maintain a 4.0 and get a 5 on the AP Human Geography while being so busy with everything else and fighting his battle.

The funeral was one of the most touching. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. The Happiness group sang some songs in his remembrance. Many people spoke during the service including his golf coach and his grandfather who had a hard time talking with all the emotions running through him. The whole golf and swimming team attended. All of his friends and family were there to support his family. Dealing with the death of a loved one is not easy at all, my prayers and thoughts go out to his family. It is rough.

The death of a child is a very sad time. It was so wonderful to see how everyone on twitter and throughout the whole community comes together after the loss of such an amazing guy. If you had a chance to look through twitter the night he passed, every tweet at something about Drew in it. We got #DrewWall to trend and even got famous people to retweet us. Even livestrong retweeted some of our tweets. People from all over, all different schools and all over the country joined in to mourn the loss. Nike is doing something that is very kind to the Wall family and Kennedy High School. They are giving the whole basketball team purple shoes of their choice for the cancer night that is going to be all about Drew and donating 5,000 to the Wall family.

This was a very special boy, he touched many hearts and he is now in heaven with his Father. He is out of pain and will be missed by all. Thank you Drew for all that you did. (837)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kennedy Volleyball Season


                Kennedy volleyball has been a big competitor for the past 6 years. Coach Michelle Goodall has been coaching varsity volleyball for 15 years at Kennedy. She played college ball and volleyball has been a part of her life since she was little. Her day job is with the national volleyball association and oversees the beach volleyball and boys leagues on the west coast and in the Midwest. When it comes to volleyball she knows her stuff. Goodall is assisted by Tim Johnson and together they have been very successful. They bounce off each other nicely and really become our mother and father from August to October.  We are with them more than we are with our own families. They have taken this program and made it one that is known.

                This season the girls volleyball team was ranked number 2 going into the season and had some tough losses at the beginning to the number 1 ranked team, Iowa City High, and a huge competitor Dubuque Hempstead.   Getting those loses knocked us out of the rankings right away, making it a battle to climb back to the top.  The coaches let us know that they were very disappointed in us and showed us their weakness. To be honest it probably was because this group of girls has never played with each other and they have been blessed with tremendous talent that took over in the past and that spark wasn’t there this year. D1 talent had graduated and we were left with D2 D3 material to work with and the coaches weren’t used to having to actually having to work with the players to improve them. Another obstacle that was put upon us was that there were 7 freshmen on the team.

                With all the obstacles given to the coaches we didn’t make it to the state tournament this year, making it the first year in 5 years that Kennedy didn’t qualify. It was sad to be over, but better luck next year.  (333)

Presidental Election

As we all know the presidential election this year was a head to head race between the current President Obama and the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. They both have very good attributes that would make them substantial presidents, yet they are different.  This campaign season was different from all the rest, just adding to the difficulty to choose who will be the next president.

The main difference between the two candidates is that one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.  That then divides them about certain issues right off the bat. An example would be abortion; Obama was for it while the conservative Romney was against it because he believes that life begins at conception. The road was more difficult for Romney because Obama had his time to shine in his four years of presidency and people were already used to his policies and some liked what he was doing with America. The lower class and people who were having a hard time finding jobs were really in favor of him because he was spreading the wealth around and giving them money. Romney needed to come up with a convincing plan that people would like just as much, if not more than Obamas plan.

Some of the major issues that both people faced were unemployment, the fiscal cliff, the destruction that was going on in Israel, and the national debt. This is not something easy to be given right off the bat to a new president. But then again Obama had his chance to change these and people saw his progress.

My economics teacher predicted that Romney would win because of the undecided vote, but he was wrong. Obama won, yet in each state it was down to the nitty gritty. (294)

Christmas Spirit

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Families get together to spend time together and exchange gifts. It is a time of year where the motto “It is better to give than to receive” is prominent and high spirits are everywhere. Little kids getting excited for Santa Clause to come, indulging in the traditions taught by their parents. Christmas is a favorite holiday for many people, is it yours?

When you were a child there were many stories told to you about Christmas and all the things that go along with it. They range from Rudolph the red nose rain deer to the angry Grinch that stole Christmas. All the Christmas Eve antics that you must complete before you go to bed are set in as soon as you are able to understand what the heck is going on. These would be setting out cookies for Santa Clause and his helper elves, as well as leaving carrots for his rein deer.  Your parents may say that if you don’t complete these tasks you will not get presents from Santa.

The naughty or nice list is one of those things that you want to make sure you are on Santa’s good side because you always want to be on the nice list. If you are stuck on the naughty list you will only receive coal in your stocking; something no one wants.  Parents seem to hold the naughty or nice list over your head when you seem to be misbehaving. They threaten to tell Santa even, and then you know you are screwed.

For my family Christmas means putting up decorations all over the house as a family with the holiday music filling the house. Then you have to conquer the tree…so many ornaments. But first before we can fix the tree up, we have to pick out the tree that is just the right height and fullness. We happen to have high ceilings in our home so we typically get a huge tree. When it first arrives to the house and you walk into those front steps you get hit with the smell of fresh bristles and pine tree, the smell that indicates that the season is here and it is time to cheer!

Families come together at these times and it reminds them that family is forever. Aside from all the distractions that life has to bring you, you will still have the holidays and family to keep you going through it. In my family all the aunts, uncles, and cousins gather at my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve to rest together then wake up the next morning to rip through all the gifts that everyone has to give. Even though all the little kids are spoiled, we have to be thankful for everything that we receive. Next year will be the first year I will be off to college and get to come home for all the Christmas joy, I have a feeling that I will be more thankful than ever and be happy to see everyone just a little bit more next year.

Some families don’t celebrate Christmas, if they have different religious beliefs they might celebrate in a different way such as Hanukah or Cuanza. They don’t have all the little stories or imaginary things like Santa.  The feeling is still present.

Christmas is the best times of year; you get a refreshing two weeks off and get to celebrate it in the Christmas spirit. No wonder it is everyone’s favorite holiday. But we can’t forget what the real story is all about though. The Jesus Christmas story of his birth in a manger, with all the wise men coming to give him gifts is what it is all about. (627)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

World Series standings

The World Series is in full swing as we speak. The two teams that made it were the Detroit Tigers and the San Fransico Giants. The Tigers beat out the New York Yankees to make it to the finals and the Giants beat out the St. Louis Cardnials in the 7th game.  The series has not been looking so good for the Tigers as they are down 3 games to 0. Another depressing fact about the Tigers is that they haven’t scored one run against the Giants throughout the whole series. The Giants have been on fire with their batting and their fielding. I don’t know what is wrong with the Tigers, but they are making many errors that can easily be fixed. Does home field advantage really make a difference? Because they have been playing all the games in California so far and finally get to take it to Detroit tonight in the 4th game. I’m rooting for the Tigers to make a historic comeback since they now have home field comfort. Their fans should be able to give them some moral that they need to push through the rest of the series and take it all the way, but with the way the Giants have been dominating the past few games it will be a rough battle.  There has never been a team in the world series that has ever come back to win the whole series in a 3-0 deficit, but I feel like this is the year for the tigers and they have the passion and the talent to win the trophie and get the rings.(270)

iPhone 5

The new Iphone 5 came out at end of last month. This was a very anticipated product from Apple that was supposed to shock all the new customers with a new style and new software. We were hearing rumors that the new phone was going to have holographic features that came right out of the phone in a 3-d way. This new feature evidently was not included in the newest product that apple released but it now rumored to be a update and in the plans for the newer phone that is yet to be released.

The newest iphone was announced to the world on September 18th , on this day they showed us what it would look like and had the well know commercial air that day as well. It showed all the new features and cool gadgets that it included which drew in many new customers. It also showed the first day that people could preorder their new phone.

I personally have been waiting for the new iphone since I got my last phone. When I purchased my last phone the iphone 4 was just released and it was so similar to the other ones and I knew that they had to be coming out with something totally different to change the look that I would wait until the new one came out. I was all ready and excited for the new phone when it came out but stupidly didn’t preorder it, I recommend doing that because so many people wanted the new phone that they were totally sold out the day they became available in stores. There weren’t any even in the wharehouses.

Now having the new iphone, I would give it a good review. The new look is taller and thiner, making it also a lot lighter in weight which is nice. The screen is now not made of glass its made out some some platinum material that wont break as easily as the last phones. And one of the best features that I like is the new software chip. This chip is one that is the same for a computer making the phone as fast as one. I like the new speed and all the new features. The only thing I don’t like about it is that they changed the charger for the phone so it only fits the new charger compared to how the old one was. This new tactic of changing the charger brought in about 10 million dollars to apple since everyone has to go buy new accessories to fit the new charger. Smart move by Apple.  (436)



Jersey Shore

The MTV show Jersey Shore is one of a kind. It was originally supposed to be a reality show where the producer put 8 people in one house to live with each other for a summer on the Jersey Shore. Typically when this situation is put together the people end up hating every other which makes for good T.V.

The 8 people that started out at this house were all from New Jersey and were all of Italian descent. They were all around 25 years old and very energetic. The roommates all had one thing in common: they liked to party. Basically this show paid the cast members to go out and party on a daily basis so they could catch some film of scandaless things happening ranging from taking random girls to bed to getting arrested for being too crazy at the bars.

The same 8 people have been coming together for the summer for about 5 years. They have become the perfect family. The show has even taken it to different environments such as Miami and Florence, Italy. Their trip to Italy was like nothing they had ever imagined. They saw how Italians party which is pretty similar but to a whole new level of the jersey shore. They did everything from getting lost to getting arrested in the streets. There were even some American twins that they met that became regulars at the house. But at the end they missed home and were excited to come home to America to party it up even harder.  These people know how to do one thing and they is drinking and bring random people home for the night to do bad things.

Now we have rolled around to the last season of the Jersey Shore it is a sad sight. People have grown to know these people from the past season. This group has become so tight that they are basically family. They visit each other, they all have nicknames for each other, and will always be a part of each other’s lives. Some of the girls even live together in a spin off series. One girl is even pregnant this season, which brings a damper down on the mood because she was one of the biggest partiers and now she has to stay in and watch all her friends have fun without her. It even got to the point where she had to move out of their usual house to be in a safer environment.

This final season brings many endings to this entertaining reality show. Now all we have to look forward to is the spin offs and what they will do in their life after the Jersey Shore. I bet they will all stay in contact with each other and reunite at the shore one day again. They will be in each other’s wedding and still be attached for the rest of their life’s.  Now the question lies, what show do we have to look forward too now? (501)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Final Four

The Detroit Tigers are up against the New York Yankees to win the division league series to move onto the highest level; the World Series. The World Series is where one team from the national league and one from the American league face each other to pronounce that they are the winners of all baseball for that year. The team that wins has full bragging rights on being the best team. Who wouldn’t want to be in that position?

                The division league series is best 5 out of 7 to move onto the next round. The Tigers have faced the Yankees three times so far and have won all their games. They now only have to win one more to play the Cardinals, Giants national league series winner. The Cardinals and Giants each have one win, so there are three more games promised to them.

                The matchup between the Cardinals and the Giants is somewhat a sore spot as the Cardinals won the title last year and the Giants won it the previous year. The Giants are looking to take revenge on the Cardinals and come away with a ring.

                The Tigers, Yankees game that have occurred haven’t been very exciting for Yankees fans. Their bats aren’t making solid contact, they are losing valuable players left and right, and they can’t seem to score any runs. The only run that they have scored against the Tigers was in the third game; Nunez pulled a homerun to left field off of Verlander in the 9th inning. By this time Verlander had a total of 135 pitches and had Coke relieve him. Verlander left him with two outs needed to end the game. Suzuki grounded out and Ibanez struck out swinging shut down the Yankees moral and be down 3 games to nothing.

                The Yankees have lost two of the highest paid and some would say most valuable players; Alex Rodrigez, and Derek Jeter. A-Rod has had a downturn on his skills and has only gotten a measly 3 hits out of 23 at bats.  He has been benched for Chavez who seemed to be performing at a higher level than he was. In game one of the Tigers, Yankees in the division league series Derek Jeter injured his ankle diving for a ground ball in extra innings.  The trainer said that he will need a minimum of three months to heal. Jeter was expecting to go back into the game after a simple ankle wrap but he crumbled when he heard the news that he was ineligible for the rest of the season.

                The four teams that are left all have the drive to make it to the World Series and win the title for their club. Only a few games left that will decide who the winner will be. (470)

Cardinals move one step closer

On October 12th, 2012 the Cardinals had one of their most essential and miraculous wins of the season. They were in game five of the NLCS matchups with the Washington Nationals. They didn’t have the home field advantage, yet the crowd was wearing all red.

The first few innings started off slow for the Cardinals as they were making solid contact. The nationals on the other hand were hot, they almost seemed untouchable. Homeruns and base hits allowed the score to grow to 4-0 Nationals. The crowd loved every minute of it and giving the nationals more moral to earn more runs.

At the fifth inning the score was 6-0. The cardinals had 12 outs to gain enough runs to either tie the game up or pull ahead. A six run deficit is a hard one to bounce back from. The bats were still not making the right contact for their team. But in the 6th inning people started getting on base and they made their climb back to the top. The cardinals were getting many men on base but didn’t seem to be able to make them cross home plate. Between the 5-7thinnings there were about 8 players left on the bases that could have been scored.

The pitcher for the cardinals was starting to slip up and walking people in to give the cardinals come runs, this gave them the spark that they needed. The bats started to crank by the time it was the 8th inning the cardinals had earned 4 runs making it more possible to have the win in their reach. Their defense was on fire and had to keep having 1-2-3 out innings with 0 errors. The ninth inning rolls around and all hell breaks loose. The cardinals have been in scoring position, second and third base, and then they get a hit to right field that brings those men in. They had tied the game!

From personally watching the game and rooting for the cardinals it was humorous to see the crowd go completely flat once we tied it up. The energy was gone. The nationals on their toes, they still had to make three outs. The cardinals took complete advantage of their vulnerability and ended up scoring three more runs! The score was now 9-6. All they had to do was shut the nationals out with three outs and they had the win. The nationals came back to gain one more run, but sadly that wasn’t enough to get ahead.

The cardinals are moving on to the next game in the series on their way to the World Series for the 12thyear in a row. Hopefully they can take this energy from this great comeback and squash the giants! (460)

The Youth of Baseball

MLB's youngest player; Bryce Harper.
Las Vegas born man, Bryce Harper, is a very popular name all accross the US today. If you haven't heard about him you will sooner than later. One of the Washington Nationals young new talents. Bryce is only 19 years old, and he is starting for a professional baseball team who currently has the best record in the league! It would be and understatement to say that Bryce isn't a key component of this team.
The Nationals are the perfect fit for Harper, like him the Nationals are the newest, youngest thing the MLB, being that they are the most recent team added to the MLB. They both have made a big splash in the eyes of the fans of the league, as well as players, coaches, announcers, and professional analyzers of the game.
Since Harper is only 19 he had to start his college career at an earlier age just to eligible for the draft of he graduation year. So during his sophmore year Harper earned his GED at his high school in 2009. So for the college year of 2010 Harper was able to play. I remind you that at this point in time Bryce is only a 17-year old kid playing with these college players. The choice of Bryce to play earlier in the
conference he played in really played as an advantage in his career since they used wood bats like the MLB.
Harper did amazingly well in the Conference hitting 31 homeruns, 99 rbi' and had a .443 batting average. These stats may have gave Harper a "big head", as some would say. Harper got ejected twice in the 66 games he played in. Which caused a suspension and lead to the defeat of Harper's team and the end of his amateur carrer.
Even with these minor problems it didn't hurt Harper at all he was drafter number one overall in the MLB draft by the Nationals, who converted Harper from his primary position (catcher) to outfield to prolong his career and allow him to develope more as a player. To most Harper is considered one of the most coveted propsects in Major League Baseball History.
Harper played in both single A and Double A in 2011, and in 2012 made his major league debut. And he became the youngest position player to be selected to the All-Star game this year. Ever since his debut Harper has been playing for the Nationals.
Great expectations are set for this young man and I'm sure he's looking to meet and surpass those expectations, he will be THE ONE to watch in the upcoming years. 430

Friday, October 12, 2012

What actually happened at Homecoming

As requested by Ms.A I will give me readers a follow up to the restrictions on homecoming that I posted a few weeks ago. In that post there were many examples of what kind of dancing wasn’t allowed and what kind of things have been seen in previous years at the dances.

This year as a whole was different from any others. There were rules handed out early in advance to notify the students as to what was and wasn’t allowed on the dance floor. My personal experience at the dance was different than others, but I witnessed some things that were shocking.

When I first arrived to the dance, which was around 8:30,people were freaking out because many couples had been kicked out for grinding at all even in a clean sense. From what my friends said you had to dance facing each other but yet couldn’t “front grind.” The students weren’t happy at all with what was going on so most of them just continued to grind facing the same way with the girls butt in the guy’s crotch. They stopped kicking people out once the principle was notified of what was happening, and the dance went on just fine.

The music was good, the lights were trippy, and it was fun had by all.  (217)

Tripple threat

Miguel Cabrera has officially won the Triple Crown Award for the Detroit Tigers. This is the first time someone has won it in the last 45 years. He became only the 15th player EVER to win it. He joined a very elite group of players such as Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams and Lou Gehrig. This truly is an accomplishment greater than any other in professional baseball in my opinion.

Winning the Triple Crown award in professional baseball by far is the hardest award to win. You cannot only hit for average but you also need the power to go along with it. In order to win the Triple Crown you need to be the leader in three categories of hitting. You must lead your division in batting average, home runs, and RBI’s (Runs Batted In). Cabrera topped the AL (American League) with a .330 batting average, 44 home runs and 139 RBIs. Which leading the league in any of those categories is a great feat but leading in all three is almost unheard of.

Of course there are other awards for individuals that are really great awards such as the Cy Young award for best pitcher in the league for both American League and National League, Rookie of the Year award which goes to the best rookie player in both the American League and the National League, and the MVP for the Most Valuable Player in both the American League and the Nation League.

Of course baseball is a team sport but being recognized as one of the best players in professional baseball is something to be extremely proud of. Winning your division in the National League or American League is something not easily done either though, and typically the teams that have the best records in baseball have the best players in baseball. Miguel is no exception to this. The Detroit Tigers won their division and its safe to say that without Miguel that they most likely wouldn’t have. He is a player like no other. Which makes me think that along with winning the Triple Crown he will have another trophy to go along with that which would be the American League MVP. But he has some stiff competition, he did win the Triple Crown though so I’d say give him that MVP he deserves it.After the final game of the season this is what he had to say about winning the Triple Crown; “It’s an unbelievable feeling, I can’t describe

The feeling right now.” It really couldn’t have gone to a better guy either. Jim Leyland (Detroit Tigers head coach) said “I would say without question he’s enjoyed it. How could you not enjoy what he’s done if you’re a baseball player?”. He is such a class act that he said he was more worried about the team winning than him winning the Triple Crown. Well I think he was partially telling the truth but I mean come on, how could you not be worried about winning an award that hasn’t been seen in over 45 years!? Regardless it’s a great story.

Its great to see someone finally win this award in my lifetime (even though it hasn’t been long), it’s great to watch him and should be fun to watch him in the post season. (550)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cardinals fall to the Nationals

The Washington Nationals skidded by with the win against the St. Louis Cardinals in the first round of the nation division league series. Since the series is best three out of five that means that the Nationals only have to pull away with two more wins to move onto the next component in their journey to winning the world series.

The cardinals had home field advantage in this first run with the Nationals, giving the Cardinals one more shot to have all their fans be present to give them more moral. After the second game they travel up to Washington for a range of one to three games depending on who keeps winning the games.

In the top of the second inning the Nationals game through with the first run scored in the game, this gave the cardinals the drive to start scoring and getting points in the books. They came back in the bottom of the second inning and scored two runs. These runs gave them the lead and the crowd gave them a much needed energy boost of sorts. It gave them hope that they could possibly win this game if they had strong defense and held them at their one messily run.

Wainwright was the starting pitcher for the Cardinals; he proved to everyone that he has a nasty curve ball that tricked almost everyone. Only Suzuki, the catcher for the Nationals, was able to get a solid base hit off of one of the sneaky curve balls.  Wainwright got over 10 strike outs and did very well at moving the ball around the plate. Over all the umpire behind the plate wasn’t calling anything high or inside but was definitely favoring the lower outside pitches.

After the 7th inning Wainwright was pulled out, he was letting too many players get on base and barely closing the innings with no runs. Motte stepped in for him and shut out the 7th inning with runners on first and third. The next inning was not as promising for the Cardinals as Motte gave up a walk right away and throwing vanilla pitches right down the middle. The Nationals were making solid contact with the ball and sending it to the gaps. Just as some would have guessed, Motte get two runs come in, giving the Nationals a 3-2 lead in the top of the 8th. 

With the Cardinals down and up to bat the energy in the entire stadium, even in the dugout was depleted. No one was cheering they were sulking about the fact that the other team is ahead and its crunch time. These guys are professionals, they are supposed to perform under great pressure and make miracles happen. With a strike out and a pop up it was Hollidays turn up to bat with two outs taken, he did nothing. That inning was shut out and the cardinals were supposed to get their shit together right here right now, but no, that didn’t happen.

The cardinals had one more opportunity to do something but their bats basically shut down after the 6th inning or so. They needed a spark in the lineup but the best hitter on the team, Craig was not near up to bat. The game ended in a strike out and the Nationals took the first game in the series from them. Hopefully they can put this game behind them and bring out the reigning champs that are within.(576)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Penn State

Over the past year or so Penn State has been hit without a lot of media attention. This is because of the a former coach Jerry Sandusky who has been convicted of on 45 of 48 counts of molesting 10 fifteen year old boys within a 15 year period. Penn State over the years has been a well respected school and an athletically strong school especially in football. Sandusky has put a very very very poor image upon the Penn State program due to his actions. Its sad that because of this man the boys who now currently play for and will play for Penn State will not be able to play in any bowl games.

Joe Paterno, Penn States former Head Coach, was one of the most winningest coaches in NCAA division 1 football. But since Joe Pa new about what Sandusky had done he lost almost all of his credentials he earned over his many years coaching for the program. Joe was one of the most respected coaches in all of sports and I would say is a house hold name in america. Its hard to say that I have lost respect for Joe Paterno just because of the decision one man made, it was wrong though on Joe’s part to not let authorities know of what was going on with the child sex abuse done by Sandusky.

After learning about Sandusky’s charges being brought upon him, Joe decided that the 2011-2012 would be his final season as the head coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions. But before the season ended Penn State decided they didn’t want him to coach for them anymore and fired him, and replaced him with the defensive coordinator as an inter head coach for the Lions. Since the firing of coach Paterno the Nittany Lions have replaced him with the new head coach Bill O’Brien. O’Brien was the offensive coordinator for the New England Patriots.

The players of Penn State were allowed to leave the football program since they aren’t bowl eligible for four years without penalty. O’brien is looking to have a new start for the Penn State University and is looking to move the University in a positive direction for the future.

Let’s wish Penn State the best of luck in the future and let’s get past all the things one man decided to do. Turn it around Penn State we all believe in you. (405)


Yunel's slip up

Taking more of an in depth approach this week on a specific event rather than a broad over view I will be discussing the bad choice of Yunel Escobar. On Tuesday night September 18th Toronto Blue Jay short stop Yunel Escobar was suspended for three games because of a gay slur he wrote on his eye black.

On ESPN Yunel addressed the media on his eye black. Here is where you can see him respond to the eye black.

He spoke to the people saying that “It was not something I intended to be offensive. It was something I just put on the sticker on my face as a joke. There was nothing intentional directed at anyone in particular.” Well why that may be true that it was not directed at in one in particular it was directed to a group of people much larger than an individual. I think he knew what he was saying by putting that slur on his eye black and he could figure out the possible consequences that may be intertwined in writing such a thing.

He knew what he wrote and as an adult and a role model to kids he should know better than to write such a thing. Yunel said “It is a word with no meaning.” Wrong! The word does have a meaning and its offensive to a great amount of people. I just think Yunel knew he had made a mistake and he is afraid to just come out and admit to his wrong doing.

I’m be no means saying that he is against homosexuals because i don’t personally think he is I just think he made the wrong choice. Yunel has written things on his eye black before but nothing before that has been offensive to anyone. It is out of character for Yunel to do this and he has said that he will do not such thing like this again in his future.

He is a part of Major League Baseball (MLB) and with that he displays an image of what it’s like to act and plays like a professional to everyone who inspires to be where he is. Major League Baseball is not by any means in support of what he wrote they are totally accepted of their fan base and I’m sure appreciate everyone who has a love for the game.

Blue Jays Pitch Carlos Villanueva said “I know he’s extremely embarrassed, we’re extremely embarrassed for him, we know it’s not an easy thing. I know he doesn’t want to deal with it, but he has to. He has to step up, especially how things are nowadays. You just have to watch what you say, or what you express out there.” I don’t think you could some it up any better than that. Yunel now knows what he has to do to make things right and I’m sure he will.

I’m sure he is a changed person and a better person and I don’t expect to see anything like this from him again. (507)

Public vs. Parochial School Systems

In Cedar Rapids there are two main kinds of school systems, the public schools and the parochial schools. The dominant and most popular system is public. There are two main differences between the two: the cost and in parochial schools you are taught about a certain type of religion.

 I personally went to one of the in town private schools called Trinity Lutheran. When you attend private schools they tend to be a lot smaller in size and have a more one on one experience with the teachers. This usually results in a better learning environment for the students to excel in. In my case there were a constant number of around 18-20 people on my class with small amounts of people coming and going each school year. There were only about 9 students that had attended Trinity from kindergarten all the way to 8th grade.

 There are always pros and cons to each type of system. In the Lutheran schools there are smaller classes sizes, which means you are stuck with the same people all day every day for 9 years. That usually results in people getting into every ones business and knowing everything about each other. On the more positive side you become more of a family and are protected from the bad stuff happening in the outside world that isn't allowed to come out. The public school has different views when it comes to the educational system. All the students switch from period to period every 50 minutes and are with different teachers every time. A pro that comes from this is that they to get up and move around to pump the juices through them, so they aren't just sitting in the same seat for hours on end. If they stay put their butts might fall asleep and may find it hard to keep their focus. The students may find it hard to remember what classes they go to and could get lost in the bigger schools. Another pro that comes from public schools is that you aren't limited to a number of friends that you can choose from. You make some through sports and you meet a new set of kids in each class that can carry you through the day. A con in the public schools is that you can't talk about Christ and different religious aspects. I'm pretty sure you get into trouble if you start talking about religion or teach about it in the public classroom.

 A big issue that I kind of somewhat stupid is that the cost is so different from public to private schools. Why should it cost thousands of dollars for kids to be allowed to learn about the Bible? This criterion makes the students who attend the private schools known as the "rich" people.  We don't want to be known as that as it gives us a negative connotation (*miss A* I just used a diction word!).

 My overall experience in a private school was good, there were some ups and downs but that's part of life. I'm glad I attended Kennedy; it opened my eyes to what real life is like and had prepared me for college better than any other school. (537)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homecoming week

Homecoming week is one to remember when you get to Kennedy. This week is filled with exciting events ranging from wacky dress up for each day of the week to the homecoming football game that closes it in before the big night. This week students are getting pumped for all the activities that go along with homecoming week. Monday is a bland day and nothing is too special other than the fact that it is lazy day and everyone is wearing their footy pajamas. Tuesday is Crayola day and when the assembly takes place for all the students to meet to candidates and vote for who they want to win. Wednesday is a half day, this is when the powder puff football, and powder buff volleyball games happen. This is also when the homecoming parade happens. Nothing exciting happens Thursday, but once Friday rolls around everyone is pumped and gets ready to go to the game. At the fame is when the winners are announced. Then you have all of Saturday to endure the fun things that homecoming had to offer.  (181)

Restrictions on Homecoming

Homecoming is a time for students to come together and have a good time while celebrating that we are all back together again for another school year. In recent years the homecoming dances have somewhat taken a turn for the worse. My freshmen year was one of the best dances that I have experienced. There were no lights on, the DJ was playing current songs that were easy to move to, and everyone was having a good time. My sophomore year turned out a little different in the fact that half way through the dance some of the lights had to be turned on. After the dance there were condemns all over the floor insinuating that that couple was not the only ones getting it in. This was due to the fact that people were having sex on the dance floor and getting way out of hand. Last year was another good year, the lights were off, only because the DJ had a light show, which was awesome and the music was better than ever before.  One nasty incident that came up during the dance last year was that someone’s nasty bloody tampon was left on the floor and people slowly started circling it and spreading out so that there was a huge circle around it and everyone could see. The owner of this bloody mess is still a mystery.

                For preventative purposes there was a sheet handed out to each student giving them rules which should be more common sense than anything. One was even don’t show up naked and make sure you have your clothes on at all times. I’m pretty sure you can get arrested for public nudity. Another rule was that girls have to not pull up their dresses while dancing with a guy. This may allow a couple to have sex or let a girl get fingered. Both can be done in the privacy of a different room, rather than at a school dance where everyone is wondering why is that girl making funny faces and why is the guy enjoying dancing with that girl so much. This is a dance not a human orgy.

                Another rule is that you are not to partake in the dance move called the “Jersey Turnpike”. This movement is face down ass up shaking your booty how the guys like it. The guy usually gets a nice view of the booty, which turns him on more than needed. In this move usually the girl will keep her hands on the floor for balance so they don’t tip over. This particular movement on hands on the ground is prohibited. When a girl does this style of dancing it usually makes the other dancers around them upset because the guys get mad that their girl isn’t dancing like that for them and the girls get mad because they either don’t want to do that move, aren’t good at dancing like that, or think it is a slutty thing to do. The guys are typically the ones to promote it, and will even push down on the girls back to hint that they want them to do it and even keep their hand there to steady them.

                Have you ever wondered what the chaperones are thinking during these dances? They usually consist of our own parents and teachers that we see on a day to day basis. How weird would it is to have one of your favorite teachers come up to you and tell you that you are being out of line and dancing inappropriately? They don’t want to do this to students and we don’t want this to happen to us either, that is why these rules are set in place and we need to abide by them. (628)

Americas favorite pass time

Baseball is America’s favorite pass time. This statement has held true since it all began in the early 1800s. There are many aspects to this game that make it so intense and interesting for us to watch and be a part of.  The history ranges from the great bambino of Babe Ruth to the current hot shot Mike Trout.  This game requires immense mental toughness and focus while on and off the field. The hand eye coordination that it takes to hit a moving ball with a skinny bat is a skill that doesn’t come easily to most. From the sandlot to Yankee Stadium, baseball brings people together that become a family who loves the sport and won’t miss a game.

Every level of baseball starting from t-ball to the professionals has a differentiating amount of innings that they play in each game. The lower levels tend to have around 7, reasoning from the fact that at younger ages it usually takes them a lot longer to get an inning done with in a timely manner. When you get to the college and professional stage they are very comfortable with the rules of the game and know the ins and outs of baseball allowing them to play 9 innings.  

The home team always takes the field first, suiting 9 players to play defense against the upcoming hitters. There are 6 infield positions and 3 outfield positions that are divided up so each teammate is responsible for fielding a ball that is hit in their direction. It all starts with the pitcher and how well they are throwing that day, in baseball having an off day for pitching may mean one of two things: either that they are having a hard time throwing a strike and are walking a lot of people or that they are getting rocked by the hitters since their pitching may be too easy. The main point of the game is to have the hitters get to each base before a fielder can get the ball to that base. The runners want to keep proceeding to the next base until they get to home plate where they require a point for each person that crosses it.

Hitting a baseball is one of the most difficult talents to conquer, especially when you get to the higher leagues where the pitchers have the ability to move the ball around like a puppet show. In baseball the ball in being thrown at a downward angle and may have different spins. The hitter has to master when to hit each type of pitch to get it on the sweat spot, which is the middle 5-6 inches on the bat. If you hit it too early the ball will be pulled to your left and if hit too late it will be hit in foul territory to the right; vice versa if you are a left handed hitter. To have a solid hit, you have to watch the ball come out of the hitters hand and swing level when it gets to the appropriate length away from you.

Baseball is the true American sport that originated here and will be forever ours. The passion that some people have for this sport comes through on the field.  Athletes will train for days, hours, months to show they have what it takes to make it to the big leagues. The pros are some of our greatest role models that we hope to be just like someday. Baseball is here to stay and keeps us together. (591)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cell Phones in Class

Having cell phones in class had been somewhat of a new uprising issue of the 21st century. With new technology being thrown in our faces from every direction it is hard to stay off of our phones. They are a distraction in class because it takes our attention away from the teacher and onto the device. The teachers like technology just as much as us but they also want us to do well in their classes. If the teacher really cares about their students they do set in those cell phone rules because they want the pupils to succeed in school. Others who don’t implement these rules think that we have enough self-control and responsibility to stay off them during important times during the period. I personally prefer the teachers who say that the phones need to be put away while they are teaching but can have them out during work time.  Each student is different and we each need different restraints for us to perform at a higher level. (170)



Volleyball is a sport that is played all around the world. It is one of the most watched and favored Olympic sports and brings about some of the most mentally and physically talented athletes. 

The game of volleyball only allows six players to be on the court at one time; three in the back row and three in the front row. There can be a combination of 1 or 2 setters in at one time, but only one of them can be designated as a setter at a time. I may want to back up a little and explain what a setter is. A setter is the person that sets each of the hitters in the front row. They always touch the ball second and raise their hands above their heads to form a triangle and push out. Coaches may say she has “soft hands.” They aren’t literally referring to the texture of her hands, they are talking about the elegance that she has when she sets the ball. A good setter can take a ball with any kind of spin on it and once it leaves her hands it is just floating in the air with no spin.

                The back row players are usually the shorter ones of the group that have quick movements on the floor. They are able to dive and throw their bodies for hard driven balls. They can take the impact of a ball coming at them at 30 miles per hour and transfer that energy away from the ball and be able to make the pass go to target (where the setter is typically stationed). They have to have the most horizontal range, whereas the front row players need to have the most vertical range. Back row is responsible for receiving the serve from the opposite side, this is called serve receive. They are also supposed to cover the hitters when they are hitting to get any balls that are blocked. They are also the main people that dig and hits or tips coming from the other side. They are the sole sisters of defense when it comes to volleyball. There are three spots in the back simply names right back, left back, and middle back.  When the setter is in the back row she plays right back.

                The front row players are usually the tallest girls out there; especially the middle hitter. There are three spots; left front also known as strong side, middle front, and left side also known as weak side. When the setter is in the front row she plays right side. They have the job of blocking the ball that is being attempted to be penetrated onto our side. They are also supposed to pick up the short tips and setter dumps. These are usually balls that are right over the net and have no spin or force to them at all; they kind of just float down like a piece of paper being let go from the top of a stair well.

                Volleyball is a broad basic sense can be thought of as don’t let the ball touch the floor. It is a passion of mine and one of the best sports out there. (536)

Monday, September 17, 2012


Leadership is a quality that is somewhat scarce now and days. Many of us find ourselves compromising and following the crowd rather than leading it. We put our fate in someone else’s hands and hope they know what is best.  There are many different levels and forms of leaders ranging from the President of the United States to a principal at a high school. What does it mean to be a leader? What qualities do they have?  How can we step out of our comfort zone and take charge in a situation rather than sitting back and watching? Leaders are everywhere in this world and are what keep everything running.

To be a leader means that you know how to take charge. You can handle a situation with ease and not break down in the process. These are people who are typically organized, have good time management, and don’t have issues with speaking to others. One of the best kinds of leaders is the ones that know how to make people feel more at ease.  An example would be if a freshman was selected to be a part of the varsity volleyball team. This girl is probably scared out of her mind that she is even entering high school, and to add on that she is being thrown on a team that is predominately juniors and seniors is pretty intimidating. The seniors on the team are the ones that are considered the leaders; they have been in high school the longest and just have more experience than the other players out there. To make this girl feel more welcome, the team will talk to her more than most other players, maybe cheer a little louder and put more emphasis on the fact that that player did something good. They will also include them so they don’t find themselves lost on where to go and what to do.

If you consider yourself a leader, what is your best quality? I personally think that I can talk to pretty much anyone with no problem. I am very approachable and am willing to help others. If you want to stand out as being more of a leader that doesn’t mean that you have to be the loudest students out there. Those students are typically the most annoying ones that everyone doesn’t want to follow and be more like. Leaders are those who know how to listen to those speaking to them, and respond well. They walk with confidence not cockiness.  When being a leader you have to believe in yourself, but don’t let it come off as being egotistical. One of the best ways to come off as confident is having a solid hand shake, good eye contact, and a smile across your face. Be appreciative of others and thank them when the opportunity arises.

Usually the people that we look up to in this world are leaders. We put our trust in them and hope that they are leading us in the right direction.  Have you ever been led astray? That is usually a sign that you are not following the right person and you need to step up and put the leadership qualities that you have, even if it isn’t many, to use. One example of a simple way that you could help a situation and not have to speak to a big crowd or make a life changing decision, would be standing up for someone if something isn’t right. If some kid is being bullied, go up to the person bullying and tell them to stop, what you are doing isn’t right. Give them some perspective and make a difference.

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. A leader is someone you will follow to a place you would not otherwise go. Be bold and truthful; friendly and confident; willing and able; kind and approachable. Be a leader. It is your time, you only live life once, don’t ruin your chances. (661)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Parenting Styles

Everyone argues with their parents when they are in their teenage years. These are the times when we want to branch off from being under the control of our parents and be our independent selves. We are tired of following the rules and tend to be a bit more rebellious. Most want to just move onto college as soon as possible have that freedom to just live our lives how we want to. When we move on in our lives is when you are being put to the test. The decisions you make when you are left alone reflect on who raised you. They shine through you even when you aren’t expecting it. The morals that have been nailed in your mind are now put to the test. Will you go crazy or be true to yourself? There are three types of parenting; authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. How have your parents decided to raise you?

The authoritative approach is the strict side of parenting. The guardians tend to think that it is their way or the highway. If you were to question them on a situation they would respond with “because I said so” or “I’m the adult.” They typically have an earlier curfew if they even allow the child to go out. If the rules are broken there is a heavy consequence, which is implemented to try and get the desired results. They are very structured parents who mold their child into being a polite and sheltered child. Basically, they want the child to know that they are the boss and want them to obey their every command. This can make the child very responsible and a good person with excellent morals to live by as they grow older. This can also hurt the child by sheltering them, which may make it difficult for the kid to adapt to different uncomfortable situations when it’s older.

The permissive technique is very laid back. It is filled with very few rules to be followed; it’s almost as if the parents let the children do whatever he or she pleases. There is no curfew, no punishments for bad behavior, or any sort of structure. To the child they might like this a lot since they can pretty much do whatever they please. But this style of parenting doesn’t give them much of a back bone for life lessons and a sense of how the real world is. In life people can’t always just roam around and do what they want. They will have to listen to someone else and take orders from someone if they are in the work environment. Children who have been brought up in the permissive way of life may not respond well to punishment or not getting everything they want. Kids need some sort of structure to help them later on in life.

I have discussed the two extremes of parenting ranging from extremely strict to the careless parent. The most popular one that many parents choose to implement is the happy medium of the authoritarian style. With this the parent makes rules but can also reason with the kids. An example would be if the parent gave a curfew of 11 and the child came home a few minutes late due to the movie they were watching not being finished, they would understand and tell them to try to not make it a habit. If this was in the authoritative approach they would have gotten a punishment for arriving late and would consider it unacceptable behavior. Using this method will give the child a good understanding for the real world , yet won’t shelter them so much that they are shocked if something uncomfortable is presented to them.

All three parenting styles have their ups and downs. Have you figured out which one your parents used on you? Are you glad they used that method? Or wished they were a little stricter or loosened up some? All parents aren’t perfect but they use what they think will be best for their child. (680)