Thursday, December 13, 2012

The End is Near

The end of the world is near! This phrase has danced around us for a few years now. 12-21-12 is the date that the Myon calendar says that the world is supposed to end. There have been other dates such as 6-6-6 that some philosophers suggested that the world was supposed to end. That specific date was a skeptical date because anything dealing with 666 is said to be the devils number. Do you believe that this stuff is true?

The Myon’s were a group of people that created the calendar, gathered knowledge about the stars and other historical happenings. They say that history repeats itself…and there had been a total wipeout in years past. So far everything that this group of people has predicted has come true, so why would this be any different?

For previous dates of potential death or world ending people have done some pretty stupid things, such as give money to an organization so they will take care of their pets once they die from the big boom. This upcoming prediction has been taken a bit more serious by the human population. A new group of people have come about through this process called the preppers. They are people who have been stocking up on food and other supplies in preparation for this event. They have storage units filled with crap, some may question their sanity. One of the popular new real estate investments is underground safe houses. These are homes or places for people to go that are located miles into the ground with some of the greatest precautionary technique taken to make them. These lots cost millions of dollars since there is a limited supply. The people who purchase these lots are hoping that they can go there on the day that the world is supposed to end and live through whatever is going to happen to the rest of us.

Many people think that they whole idea is stupid and nothing is going to happen. What are your thoughts? With evidence that other things that the Myons predicted happened, it may be a bit more convincing.  Some people are planning special days the day before the world is supposed to end. What are you going to do on your last day?  Does anyone know what time everything is supposed to hit? No one has any idea.  We also are clueless on what exactly is going to go down. The earth could open up on itself and we go into the lava. Or an asteroid hits earth, killing everyone and taking earth out of its oribit. There are tons of things that could happen.

Well there are only 8 days left, so I am going to enjoy each day as if it was my last because who knows if we will make it past 12-21-12. (472)

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