Thursday, May 2, 2013

Crime is Pride

This expert reminds me of the syllogism by the great Socrates: All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, Socrates is mortal. Men’s behavior has changed since time began. At first they were the hunter gatherers that provided for the family. As time went on the same concept happened, men went to work while the women stayed home to take care of their children. Their manners matured with the men as they tried to win over a lucky lady. Now and days men’s manners are hard to find. Usually they are rude and treat women as they are some sexual object. The roles are also changing for men as well. Women are starting to get higher ranked jobs and making a name for themselves.

When you raise your children you want to instill good morals and teach them good manners so when they go out in public or are around people other than their parents they will reflect how they were raised. Most parents are strict at first and always do the please and thank you stuff that gets annoying but when you are older it just becomes a habit.

We are all humans here, we make mistakes. Ever since Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden the human race has been sinful. Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins. This means that we can go to Heaven once we die, but only if we believe I Him. All men makes mistakes is true, they are constantly temped by the social media in today’s society. Some men who were brought up with good morals and manners know the difference between good and bad and will make the situation right. A level of self-consciousness sets in and the man who committed the crime or did something wrong will “repair the evil.” The people with the best hearts have a hard time dealing with situations where they didn’t something wrong or possibly lied.  To some this might be looked at as a crime though. They don’t understand why they turned themselves in or did the right thing, because they themselves would never do the same.

In today’s society we deal with a lot of selfish people who will use others to get to the top or put other people down to make themselves look and feel better. Hopefully this type of behavior doesn’t continue and parents take note to raise nice children and make that change. For those people who look at doing the right thing as a crime, shame on them. They won’t win in the long run and will do the wrong thing to get farther in life, but if they live by that motto it won’t take them very far. We need more men in the world who are brave enough to do the right thing when they make a mistake. Repent and know that God is with you. You will be a chosen one.  (541)

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