Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Importance of Exercise

Exercise is an important part of keeping healthy and staying in shape. There are different forms of exercise such as playing sports, weight lifting, and dancing. Any form of movement that gets your heart rate pumping will only benefit you. Exercise is key to living longer and avoiding major health issues that are caused from not taking care of your body. If you mix this with a healthy diet or food choice then you should be set for years.

                Getting into the habit of exercising on a regular basis is hard since we all have busy lives and it is easy to convince ourselves not to go to the gym. This usually is only a problem for people who are entering college and aren’t in a sport and with adults. Kids on the other hand always like to be running around and getting sweaty. Enrolling your children in all different types of sports is good while they are younger. There are two benefits from this; they get to see what sports they do and don’t like and they are getting their daily dose of exercise that is recommended. Most kids carry a lot of baby fat and sometimes is a struggle to take it off.

                There are two different types of girls: girly girls and tomboys. The girly girls don’t like to get dirty or play rough. The tomboys live to be one of the boys and compete with them in sports. This may become a problem because the girly girls still need to get their physical activity in but don’t enjoy sports…what do you do then? You enroll them in ballet or any form of dancing. They see it as being elegant and girly so it suits them and they are happy. They don’t view dance as a sport because it is a good place where they get to express themselves and dress up in sparkly costumes.  The tomboys enjoy the sports that both men and women play such as softball or basketball. They enjoy showing off their athletic ability to the guys I hopes that they fit in. They don’t mind getting pushed around in a sport like basketball. They view the bumps, bruises, and scratches as battle wounds and are happy to show them off.  While the tomboys get the thrill of getting banged up the girly girls enjoy the thrill of entertainment while they perform in front of a large crowd to show off their new dance.

                Weight lifting has its pros and cons. The pros would be that athletes get to gain muscle mass and grow stronger so they perform at a higher level.  A con might be that if they have bad form or do the lift wrong they could injure themselves and have a long recovery. Another con is that if a person starts to weight lift at a young age it will stunt their growth and they won’t be as tall as they were supposed to be. Although there are some risks to weight lifting, if properly trained you can get great results and really step up your game.

                All these forms of exercise are important for an athlete to stay fit and perform at their greatest ability. One last one that we can add in here is plyometrics, it is increasing your speed and toning your body. One form of it may be taking up yoga or other relaxing exercises. This is more popular for small women that aren’t in a sport and are older.

                Keeping healthy is important to being happy with life and with you.  Take the first step and make it a habit to do some physical activity on a regular basis. (615)

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