Sunday, December 2, 2012

Presidental Election

As we all know the presidential election this year was a head to head race between the current President Obama and the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. They both have very good attributes that would make them substantial presidents, yet they are different.  This campaign season was different from all the rest, just adding to the difficulty to choose who will be the next president.

The main difference between the two candidates is that one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.  That then divides them about certain issues right off the bat. An example would be abortion; Obama was for it while the conservative Romney was against it because he believes that life begins at conception. The road was more difficult for Romney because Obama had his time to shine in his four years of presidency and people were already used to his policies and some liked what he was doing with America. The lower class and people who were having a hard time finding jobs were really in favor of him because he was spreading the wealth around and giving them money. Romney needed to come up with a convincing plan that people would like just as much, if not more than Obamas plan.

Some of the major issues that both people faced were unemployment, the fiscal cliff, the destruction that was going on in Israel, and the national debt. This is not something easy to be given right off the bat to a new president. But then again Obama had his chance to change these and people saw his progress.

My economics teacher predicted that Romney would win because of the undecided vote, but he was wrong. Obama won, yet in each state it was down to the nitty gritty. (294)

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