volleyball has been a big competitor for the past 6 years. Coach Michelle Goodall
has been coaching varsity volleyball for 15 years at Kennedy. She played
college ball and volleyball has been a part of her life since she was little.
Her day job is with the national volleyball association and oversees the beach
volleyball and boys leagues on the west coast and in the Midwest. When it comes
to volleyball she knows her stuff. Goodall is assisted by Tim Johnson and
together they have been very successful. They bounce off each other nicely and
really become our mother and father from August to October. We are with them more than we are with our own
families. They have taken this program and made it one that is known.
season the girls volleyball team was ranked number 2 going into the season and
had some tough losses at the beginning to the number 1 ranked team, Iowa City
High, and a huge competitor Dubuque Hempstead. Getting
those loses knocked us out of the rankings right away, making it a battle to
climb back to the top. The coaches let
us know that they were very disappointed in us and showed us their weakness. To
be honest it probably was because this group of girls has never played with
each other and they have been blessed with tremendous talent that took over in
the past and that spark wasn’t there this year. D1 talent had graduated and we
were left with D2 D3 material to work with and the coaches weren’t used to
having to actually having to work with the players to improve them. Another obstacle
that was put upon us was that there were 7 freshmen on the team.
all the obstacles given to the coaches we didn’t make it to the state
tournament this year, making it the first year in 5 years that Kennedy didn’t qualify.
It was sad to be over, but better luck next year. (333)
Love it!