Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow storm

Today is the first snowfall of the season. Here in Cedar Rapids we were prepared and warned about this snowfall. They were throwing out predictions or 4 to 8 inches, then it climbed to 8 to 12- inches, and now it has peaked to 10 to 15 inches of snow. Currently there is only about 5 inches outside but it is still early in the day and the worst is yet to come.  

Everyone in the school systems were hoping for a snow day and praying that this will take us into Christmas break. Early in the week teachers were informing us what the plans would be if there was a snow day on Thursday since many plan on having chapter or unit tests right before break so we have nothing to worry about.

Well here we are with no school and no power. It started snowing yesterday around 5:30. I was at work and checking the whole thing out. It hasn’t stopped snowing since it started and isn’t predicted to stop until midnight on tonight. One freaky thing that happened last night was that there was thunder mixed in with the snow storm. How cool! You could see flashes of lightening everywhere followed with the much anticipated BOOM that shook the house.

Snow is always something that is exciting! It also brings dangerous traveling conditions and power outages.  Now we will have a white Christmas, which puts us in the spirit. (242)

Kansas City Cheifs loss

Branching off of my last post concerning the gun control issue that we have there was another big story that was brought to my attention through the news and also by my teacher Miss A. It was the Kansas City Chiefs player that shot his girlfriend then himself. He was one of the starting line men on the team, therefore making a huge impact to the other players.

Beckler had gone mad, no one knows what drove him to do this but it was insanity. He shot his girlfriend, who he also had a child with, leaving the baby to his mother to take care of. After he did this he went to his bosses on a Saturday, thanked them for everything they had done and expressed his love for the game of football to them. After he had made his aspirations he pulled out a gun and shot himself in front of his bosses. This caused major havoc. For the rest of the day the coaches, owners, and NFL presidents were trying to figure out what they should do about what just happened and if they should play the following day.

They ended up playing the next day. The decision to play was looked down upon by most and commented on by some famous reporters and announcers. Whitlock is a writer that put out an article describing what had just happened and focused part of it on gun control.   Bob Costas is a NFL commentator that during half time of the Kansas City Chiefs game took a moment to quote Whitlock and say a few things about what was going down.

Many were confused on why they played the game the next day. Some said that the players are paid to block things out of their mind and play the game so they would be able to focus. The NFL also doesn’t stop playing a game other than an environmental issue or an attack. To the public we would think that the players would be in complete shock and be mourning, but they were able to play the next day and show their sadness after the game was done.

They are testing this brain and other parts of Beckler’s body to try to figure out what drove him to do this kind of behavior. They hypothesized that from all of the concussions this may have caused brain damage.  Other things may have attributed to it but they are thinking that the game of football, with injuries and the violent nature of the game didn’t do Beckler any good.

This is just another prime example on how guns are becoming more and more of an issue. People say that guns don’t kill people, people do, but if people didn’t have the guns in the first place then they wouldn’t be shot. (471)

Sandy Hook Elementary

Gun control has been a major issue in the new today. Many recent shootings have stirred up everyone’s attention. On Friday December 14, 2012 a 19 year old man went into Sandy Elementary school and shot 27 children and adults. After his assault was complete he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The whole country was affected by this terrible tragedy. When events like this happen in America we look around and realize how quickly a life can be taken. The level of innocents that these students had was over the top. Heroes were created and killed the same day in this school and we all need to take a moment of silence for those who lost a loved one.

The first grade teacher at this school stood out among the rest. She did something that was very courageous and life threatening. When she heard that there was a killer on the loose within the school she forced all her students to go into the cabinets and locked them all. By the time the killer got to her room he stormed in demanding where her students were, she told him that they were in the gym. Once he realized that they weren’t in the room he shot her and moved on to kill even more people. This first grade teacher gave her life for her small students. Would you be able to do that for your students?

Everyone in that school was shaken. School was closed for the next four days. Why did this man decide to take so many lives? He was a homeschool student that used to go to Sandy Elementary when he was younger but was taken out for extreme misbehavior and mental issues. This fellow was so sick in the mind that he took his mother’s handgun, shot her and went to the school to continue this nasty behavior. I am sure that he didn’t entirely know what he was doing and the damage that he was taking place.

Should handguns be allowed to be owned? The mother of this child had the right to buy and use this gun, but she couldn’t control that he attached her and took her gun. Obviously a gun in a mentally unstable person is not a good idea. As a teacher in this instance it would have been a good idea to have a gun in their desk so they could have defended themselves and their students.

Our country came together after this happened and mourned. This event should not have happened, but what can we do about it? The president addressed America and trying to fix the outstanding issue about guns. There needs to be more control and regulations on the ownership and use of guns. People get killed every day from being shot by a gun, but it is brought to our attention when 27 or a large group is taken. This madness needs to stop. America is becoming a more dangerous place and the American dream is slowly slipping away. We need to bring it back into check. (514)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dance Marathon

The dance marathon is going to take place on Friday night after the girl boy double header against Washington in the cafeteria until midnight. There is supposed to be around 24 students from the University of Iowa attending this dance event to help spruce it up and show us how it is done. The University of Iowa has held many dance marathons before to try to raise money to support different charities or causes such as breast cancer. One of the special things about this night is that it is dedicated to Drew Wall, who is a student who recently just died from cancer. There will a tribute in between games and the proceeds go to the Wall family. 

There are going to be many different types of dancing taking place during the marathon. At 10 there is going to a Zumba dance instructor to lead some zumba dances. There will be a DJ present, but I know that there is no grinding allowed. This will be a difficult task for the students at kennedy high school because we love to grind and get dirty. Hopefully we can control ourselves and be respectful at this event and make it successful to raise a ton of money.

One of the incentives is that the class with the most attendance will get a point at the next assembly. That would help a lot! I hope it will be fun! (237)

The End is Near

The end of the world is near! This phrase has danced around us for a few years now. 12-21-12 is the date that the Myon calendar says that the world is supposed to end. There have been other dates such as 6-6-6 that some philosophers suggested that the world was supposed to end. That specific date was a skeptical date because anything dealing with 666 is said to be the devils number. Do you believe that this stuff is true?

The Myon’s were a group of people that created the calendar, gathered knowledge about the stars and other historical happenings. They say that history repeats itself…and there had been a total wipeout in years past. So far everything that this group of people has predicted has come true, so why would this be any different?

For previous dates of potential death or world ending people have done some pretty stupid things, such as give money to an organization so they will take care of their pets once they die from the big boom. This upcoming prediction has been taken a bit more serious by the human population. A new group of people have come about through this process called the preppers. They are people who have been stocking up on food and other supplies in preparation for this event. They have storage units filled with crap, some may question their sanity. One of the popular new real estate investments is underground safe houses. These are homes or places for people to go that are located miles into the ground with some of the greatest precautionary technique taken to make them. These lots cost millions of dollars since there is a limited supply. The people who purchase these lots are hoping that they can go there on the day that the world is supposed to end and live through whatever is going to happen to the rest of us.

Many people think that they whole idea is stupid and nothing is going to happen. What are your thoughts? With evidence that other things that the Myons predicted happened, it may be a bit more convincing.  Some people are planning special days the day before the world is supposed to end. What are you going to do on your last day?  Does anyone know what time everything is supposed to hit? No one has any idea.  We also are clueless on what exactly is going to go down. The earth could open up on itself and we go into the lava. Or an asteroid hits earth, killing everyone and taking earth out of its oribit. There are tons of things that could happen.

Well there are only 8 days left, so I am going to enjoy each day as if it was my last because who knows if we will make it past 12-21-12. (472)

Shopping during the Holidays

The holidays have changed over the past few decades. It used to be all about family and spending quality time with each other. Now all it is is going to extremes to get good deals on Christmas presents. Shopping in my opinion takes away from the spirit of the season. People are getting injured and even death has come from competitive people going crazy for a material gift.  Black Friday is the most famous shopping day of the year. It is the Friday after Thanksgiving. The greatest deals on electronics and other products are on sale with only a few in stock to be sold. Since there is a limited number of items people feel the need to camp outside the store before they let the customers in so they get a prime spot in line, and ensure that they get the discounted item.

Black Friday has been extended in recent years. Now the sales start on Thursday night and continue throughout the whole weekend. With the shopping starting on Thanksgiving Day it takes away from the holiday. You are supposed to be with your family and giving thanks for what you have, not waiting in a line in front of a store. It is ironic that people come together to give thanks on one day then have to rush out and go buy more things when they just celebrated what they already have. The feeling of the holiday gets lost. With shopping starting Thursday it pressures families to have their thanksgiving meal early in the day as more of a lunch than a dinner. The shopping extremities force people to be on more of a time limit than they were before. This causes family gatherings to be cut short.

Are people becoming more and more materialistic? I think so! All people talk about is what they have and how they are able to afford different things. These pressures are affecting younger kids in school and other environments. If they don’t have the coolest and the latest gadget they “don’t fit in” or “aren’t cool.”  If some student can’t afford the newest thing then that makes them feel bad.  A classic example is with the product Ugg boots. These are expensive boots that come in various patterns and styles. They have real fur on the inside and are a fashionable way to keep your feet warm. This also means that they are very expensive.  There are tons of knock off brands, and if you are wearing a knock off brand you are looked down upon and shouldn’t be caught dead in them.

The fact that people are so concerned with what they can buy and look at what other people have take away from the spirit of the season. We shouldn’t have to grow up in a society where you have to compare your Christmas presents to your friends or other people. This could cause people to feel bad if they didn’t get what their friends got. No one needs to feel bad during this time of year. We need to be more concerned with being with our family and move away from the presents.

Shopping has become something that is dangerous and not fun to be a part of. Be jolly and enjoy being around the people that you love. (551)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter Pep Assembly

Tomorrow is the winter assembly. That means that a bunch of kids will be going crazy to celebrate the good fortune that the fall sports had and introduce the winter sports. This year volleyball will not have anything to present which is very sad but at least none of us have to go up to talk in front of the whole school. I am pretty sure that the only fall sports that did anything noteworthy is the girls swimming team, men’s gold and possibly football.

Having a pep assemble makes that day much better since there are shortened classes and it is a Friday! Everyone loves that it is on a Friday, especially because there is a big game of basketball that night and it brings the students together for a great time to support each other in their sports; bringing out our cougar school spirit!

This is my second to last school assembly, it is getting to the end but that is okay. All good things have to come to an end. But I will be ready to cheer as loud as I can and win the spirit stick. Seniors will win. (193)

Senior Picuters

 Picture day was today and I am so glad that I did not have to participate in this year’s rounds! Since I am a senior all I had to do was submit my senior picture that was previously taken and I was done. In past years this was one of the most nerve wracking days because my hair had to be perfect, make cup just right, and of course so nasty acne.  

During the summer and early fall is when most seniors get their senior pictures taken. I wanted to have mine be different from everyone else’s so I traveled to California to get mine taken. My grandparents have a house in Malibu, so my thoughts were that’s perfect I can get ocean shots along with on top of a mountain. They live about 10 minutes from the beach and have about 50 acres of land, tons to choose from for the perfect shot.

My cousin had gone to visit them during his spring break of the previous year and had taken a picture that was literally on top of the world and on a rock that overlooked the open canyon and other mountains. I had to find this shot. I showed it to my grandfather and he knew exactly where the location was. So the photographer and I traveled our way up the mountain. The shots were flawless and I was happier than ever.

Our next adventure was the beach. When we go to the location is was quite windy so my hair was looking flowing, as if a fan was moving it around. I was scared to go into the water because it was very cold, but I got close enough.

After the day of taking my picture was done I was so happy with all the results. They were all so beautiful and it was difficult to choose one for the year book, so I just had my mother choose.  Not having to deal with the stresses of picture day was wonderful and glad I am done with that crap. (343)

Drew Wall

Drew Wall was a 15 year old boy that lost his battle with cancer on November 26th, 2012. He was one of the most courageous boys that inspired many people. He was diagnosed with cancer of the bones at a very young age. When he was in middle school he had to get his leg amputated because there were too many complications including blood clots, bone density problems and the cancer was just eating away at him. He had to either be put into a wheel chair the rest of his life or choose to get a prosthetic leg. He was a very active child and loved to play sports, so he went with the prosthetic leg. The only down fall to the fake leg was that it cost 20,000 dollars for one, and he got it at a young age where he wasn’t fully grown yet. So it was very costly to his family to keep getting new legs for when he substantially grew, which was often, he was a very tall young boy. The hospital became his new home after a while because his health condition kept getting worse and worse.

Every year the volleyball team has a cancer night, usually for breast cancer, but in 2011 it was livestrong night. Drew was a part of this organization and the night was dedicated to him. In between the games he gave a moving speech that made you want to help people in his same position.  That night really showed everyone how you can have a positive outlook on life even when you are dealt the crappiest cards. He always had a smile on his face and was a joy to be around. Drew Wall was like no other.

 He participated in swimming, and golf. He had a love for all sports but golf was one that he could still participate in and grow in his game even with his fake leg.  He went to many sporting events at the college level such as the Hawkeyes football and basketball team and grew a strong relationship with them.  At his visitation there was a display of a huge poster with all the football players’ signatures and a few game balls from their season. There were also photos of him on the sidelines at the games. What a lucky guy. He even got to meet Kirk Farenz at a lunch for other children fighting the battle of cancer.

Attending the visitation I got to see all the things that this child has accomplished during his short life, and it was more than most people will be able to do in a lifetime. He trained in tyquando and reached the brown belt, the one right before the black belt. During his visitation his instructor placed a black belt with his name embroidered on it and a huge plaque with a certificate giving him his black belt. He had to stop going to the sessions because he didn’t have enough energy and it wasn’t healthy for him. He also rode in a few livestrong bike races with a few famous cyclists.  There were all his awards that he had accomplished pertaining to academics and they were astonishing. He had the time to maintain a 4.0 and get a 5 on the AP Human Geography while being so busy with everything else and fighting his battle.

The funeral was one of the most touching. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. The Happiness group sang some songs in his remembrance. Many people spoke during the service including his golf coach and his grandfather who had a hard time talking with all the emotions running through him. The whole golf and swimming team attended. All of his friends and family were there to support his family. Dealing with the death of a loved one is not easy at all, my prayers and thoughts go out to his family. It is rough.

The death of a child is a very sad time. It was so wonderful to see how everyone on twitter and throughout the whole community comes together after the loss of such an amazing guy. If you had a chance to look through twitter the night he passed, every tweet at something about Drew in it. We got #DrewWall to trend and even got famous people to retweet us. Even livestrong retweeted some of our tweets. People from all over, all different schools and all over the country joined in to mourn the loss. Nike is doing something that is very kind to the Wall family and Kennedy High School. They are giving the whole basketball team purple shoes of their choice for the cancer night that is going to be all about Drew and donating 5,000 to the Wall family.

This was a very special boy, he touched many hearts and he is now in heaven with his Father. He is out of pain and will be missed by all. Thank you Drew for all that you did. (837)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kennedy Volleyball Season


                Kennedy volleyball has been a big competitor for the past 6 years. Coach Michelle Goodall has been coaching varsity volleyball for 15 years at Kennedy. She played college ball and volleyball has been a part of her life since she was little. Her day job is with the national volleyball association and oversees the beach volleyball and boys leagues on the west coast and in the Midwest. When it comes to volleyball she knows her stuff. Goodall is assisted by Tim Johnson and together they have been very successful. They bounce off each other nicely and really become our mother and father from August to October.  We are with them more than we are with our own families. They have taken this program and made it one that is known.

                This season the girls volleyball team was ranked number 2 going into the season and had some tough losses at the beginning to the number 1 ranked team, Iowa City High, and a huge competitor Dubuque Hempstead.   Getting those loses knocked us out of the rankings right away, making it a battle to climb back to the top.  The coaches let us know that they were very disappointed in us and showed us their weakness. To be honest it probably was because this group of girls has never played with each other and they have been blessed with tremendous talent that took over in the past and that spark wasn’t there this year. D1 talent had graduated and we were left with D2 D3 material to work with and the coaches weren’t used to having to actually having to work with the players to improve them. Another obstacle that was put upon us was that there were 7 freshmen on the team.

                With all the obstacles given to the coaches we didn’t make it to the state tournament this year, making it the first year in 5 years that Kennedy didn’t qualify. It was sad to be over, but better luck next year.  (333)

Presidental Election

As we all know the presidential election this year was a head to head race between the current President Obama and the Republican candidate Mitt Romney. They both have very good attributes that would make them substantial presidents, yet they are different.  This campaign season was different from all the rest, just adding to the difficulty to choose who will be the next president.

The main difference between the two candidates is that one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican.  That then divides them about certain issues right off the bat. An example would be abortion; Obama was for it while the conservative Romney was against it because he believes that life begins at conception. The road was more difficult for Romney because Obama had his time to shine in his four years of presidency and people were already used to his policies and some liked what he was doing with America. The lower class and people who were having a hard time finding jobs were really in favor of him because he was spreading the wealth around and giving them money. Romney needed to come up with a convincing plan that people would like just as much, if not more than Obamas plan.

Some of the major issues that both people faced were unemployment, the fiscal cliff, the destruction that was going on in Israel, and the national debt. This is not something easy to be given right off the bat to a new president. But then again Obama had his chance to change these and people saw his progress.

My economics teacher predicted that Romney would win because of the undecided vote, but he was wrong. Obama won, yet in each state it was down to the nitty gritty. (294)

Christmas Spirit

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Families get together to spend time together and exchange gifts. It is a time of year where the motto “It is better to give than to receive” is prominent and high spirits are everywhere. Little kids getting excited for Santa Clause to come, indulging in the traditions taught by their parents. Christmas is a favorite holiday for many people, is it yours?

When you were a child there were many stories told to you about Christmas and all the things that go along with it. They range from Rudolph the red nose rain deer to the angry Grinch that stole Christmas. All the Christmas Eve antics that you must complete before you go to bed are set in as soon as you are able to understand what the heck is going on. These would be setting out cookies for Santa Clause and his helper elves, as well as leaving carrots for his rein deer.  Your parents may say that if you don’t complete these tasks you will not get presents from Santa.

The naughty or nice list is one of those things that you want to make sure you are on Santa’s good side because you always want to be on the nice list. If you are stuck on the naughty list you will only receive coal in your stocking; something no one wants.  Parents seem to hold the naughty or nice list over your head when you seem to be misbehaving. They threaten to tell Santa even, and then you know you are screwed.

For my family Christmas means putting up decorations all over the house as a family with the holiday music filling the house. Then you have to conquer the tree…so many ornaments. But first before we can fix the tree up, we have to pick out the tree that is just the right height and fullness. We happen to have high ceilings in our home so we typically get a huge tree. When it first arrives to the house and you walk into those front steps you get hit with the smell of fresh bristles and pine tree, the smell that indicates that the season is here and it is time to cheer!

Families come together at these times and it reminds them that family is forever. Aside from all the distractions that life has to bring you, you will still have the holidays and family to keep you going through it. In my family all the aunts, uncles, and cousins gather at my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve to rest together then wake up the next morning to rip through all the gifts that everyone has to give. Even though all the little kids are spoiled, we have to be thankful for everything that we receive. Next year will be the first year I will be off to college and get to come home for all the Christmas joy, I have a feeling that I will be more thankful than ever and be happy to see everyone just a little bit more next year.

Some families don’t celebrate Christmas, if they have different religious beliefs they might celebrate in a different way such as Hanukah or Cuanza. They don’t have all the little stories or imaginary things like Santa.  The feeling is still present.

Christmas is the best times of year; you get a refreshing two weeks off and get to celebrate it in the Christmas spirit. No wonder it is everyone’s favorite holiday. But we can’t forget what the real story is all about though. The Jesus Christmas story of his birth in a manger, with all the wise men coming to give him gifts is what it is all about. (627)